I am Alex Hartley, sole propreitor of Duffers Design: Custom Airsoft, I started Duffers Design 7 years ago and it rapidly evolved to more or less exclusivly cover my 3D printed products and designs. I saw early on that the only way to make headway on the printing market is to have unique and useful designs and I chose Airsoft as the market I would supply for. Airsoft has a large number of very passionate participants who want airsoft weapons, equipment and optics to emulate their favorite video games or movies.
    Now I am expanding with new partnerships, more polished products, a brand new website (Welcome by the way!) a greater and more official youtube prescence and a new direct sales store (thanks Etsy- killing airsoft related listings).


    I formed Airsoft Abominations after realising that my projects were becoming increasingly complicated and in need of colaboration with others. We also realised that events we might not be able to aford alone we might be able to attend collectivly. There are currently 4 members of Airsoft Abominations and we are structured in such a way that each of our individual companies still retain their own IP and still sell their own products but


A short list of just some of the projects and products I have for sale or am working on!

Advanced Weapon Management System (AWMS)

The AWMS is a smart airsoft optic whick places vital information about your heading, weapon orientation, ammo state right in your line of sight! the optic offers deep customiseation and long battery life.
Ammo Counting: Through the use of either an intergrated shock detector or external light break sensor the AWMS is able to keep track of your weapon ammo state and precisly count down as you run through your mag time to dust off those midcaps!
Compass: using an intergrated compass the optic presents your current heading without even needing to look away from your target, effortlessly call out headings to team mates and react faster to targets you spot.
HopUp Assist: Tired of shots wiffing either left or right? not sure if its your gun to blame or how youre holding it? with the HopUp assist a built in accellerometer ensures your weapon is aligned with gravity so your Hop Up acts in line with gravity to keep you accurate and effective.
Clock:A built in real time clock allows you to keep track of ingame times and objectives so you know when you need to act (and when to make a break for lunch!) watches not required.
Battery life: With a 1200mAh Lithium ion intergrated battery, with USB charging, offers over 30 hours of battery life on maximum brightness, to keep you ready for an entire weekend of gaming.

Airsoft Helmets

Sometimes your typical headwear just doesnt cut it and you just want to be the baddest ass on the battlefield. Custom printed helmets offer a unique way to get all the attention on the field. We print every helmet to order, painted or raw 3d print, and with options for vistor materials and coatings. current offerings are ODST Helmets as well as Titanfall 2 Militia Helmets, with a starship troopers helmet in the works as well.

SSX 303 Underlever and HPA stock

This project is a work in progress and likly to change. Im also currently thinking my primary distribution for it will be digital, not as a finished part, as the printing process is very long for the value it offers. right now my current prototype is functional and undergoing testing. it offers bolt action functionality from the SSX 303, it mounts to the gun with minimal modifications (drill a hole through the hammer and file down the trigger link to the hammer release) or replaces existing components (such as the stock and buffer tube interface block unlocking bolt action allows the ssx303 to be used as a sniper rifle in many areas (here in the uk that gives up to 500fps) and improves the trigger release as the hammer is already cocked. HPA provides precise power control and the platform is alread immensly quiet. as a combination the SSX303 becomes the ultimate stealthy scout rifle, accurate, compact and silent. the SSX303 becomes the ultimate stealthy scout rifle, accurate, compact and silent.

Pistol Carbine Kits

Is your primary weapon just too damn boring? Want a GBBR but the mags and the new gun too much to bear? Well fret no more! Duffers Design is proud to present the Hicappa pistol carbine! (other pistols may fit) this simple, compact and elegent attachment provides your humble sidearm with ample rail space for optics, torches, lasers and forgrips. The standard version takes ordinary threaded M4 Buffer tubes, however my latest design furnishes the platform with a sliding stock to enable compact storage and slinging in a formfactor that can still be fired like a pistol. Through testing this carbine kit was paird with the Duffers Design AWMS Smart Optic for the ultimate in compact weapon packages!

Titanfall airsoft guns

We're taking the "Fi" out of your favorite Sci Fi guns and giving you the futures guns now. Whether its beating up the IMC with your 40 tonne best friend or flying along a wall at 40 mph hip fireing 50 grunts we have the right tool for you. currently offering the CAR, the R201 and the RE45, the long rifles are AEG based, using standard V2 gearboxes and fully 3d printed outer shells, no internal shell or modified base, its all scratch built. the RE45 is built around the TM Xtreme45, a 22 RPS Fully Automatic gas blow back pistol that feels exactly like the real thing.

What we do

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