Father Small and his Emporium
After over a decade worth of learning and gaining airsoft engineering knowledge, repair experience and motivated by my own massive disappointment in larger
manufacturers that know better and are capable of producing better examples of Airsoft engineering excellence however by abandoning simplicity, increasing the
complexity and increasing uncontrolled variables leading to poor out of the box performance necasating the need for upgrade parts.
So I created the Emporium.
The Emporium has three Key standards:
Airsoft first by design.
My designs will not be replicas of anything where the focus is of Airsoft ballistics and performance as such for the most part the ergonomics will be to maximise airsoft guns as a
form and will probably more closely resemble bespoke rifles.
Dont reinvent the wheel.
Where applicable use well established ancillaries or husbandry of well proven airsoft engineering or completely abandoning standards set by other manufacturers.
for example Bucking's, Barrels, magazines many other parts that are a well established series of excellent Standardised components.
Learn from others past
To not repeat the mistakes of previous manufactures and not purposefully create a hostile user/owner environment.
My designs sadly are unique for the best part, but spares will be kept available or made public in the case of fully retired articles.
The emporium is a place for me to create without restriction to be able to pursue any projects in the skunkworks freely, I have been working on Various ideas with increasing
focus over the last two years and am finally beginning to satisfy my own demanding Standards for quality and durability, Sadly for the time Being I will have no choice but to
start with 3d printed examples but wish to move on to Injection moulded and machined parts tightening the tolerances, reducing or removing unnecessary parts and increasing the
ballistic accuracy and operational lifespan without complex maintenance procedures.